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At the intersection of inspiration and art, there’s Visual Strands, a Netherlands-based magazine founded by graphic designer, Yvonne de Jonge. I love the story of Yvonne’s journey to launching her mag (check that out here) and was more than happy to chat with her about little word studio. No surprise, our dialogue flailed wildly across the map, going from abstract expressionism to that annoying, squeaky sound my dog’s toys make. (Somehow, it all relates.)

Talking inspiration: an interview with Melissa Marni

You’ve created an inspiring place where you build collaborations with other creatives. In turn, do they get inspired by your stories to create new work?

I hope so. A huge part of the thrill in collaborating with artists is the idea that I can find my muse in their work and in turn, they can find similar inspiration in mine.

Up until now you’ve chosen to base your stories on figurative work. Do you think you’ll venture into abstract as well?

Absolutely. I haven’t done it yet but some of my favorite artists are abstract expressionists like Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning. I get literary goosebumps thinking of all the strange, curious stories I might create if I stretched my writing to fit some wildly conceptual pieces of art!

Growing up, or even as an adult, what and who inspires you? Any role models?

I’m inspired by artists who have successfully turned their passion into incredible success. Of course there’s J.K. Rowling who, even after the explosive popularity of Harry Potter, continues to push the boundaries of her prose with her detective series starring the indomitable Cormoran Strike. Then, there’s someone like Anna Bond, a visual artist who built an entire company (Rifle Paper Co.) around her distinctively playful aesthetic and a dream.
Read the rest of our interview here.

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